The basic human need Yi answers, part 5: changing line 2
(This post is part of an absurdly long series: The basic human need that Yi answers The basic human need Yi answers, part 2: the Well The basic human need Yi answers, part 3: the change The basic human...
View ArticleBasic human need Yi answers, part 6: line 4
That need Yi answers is for… ‘The Well. Moving the city, not moving the well. Without loss, without gain, They come and go, the well wells. Almost drawn the water, but the rope does not quite reach the...
View ArticleUS election readings from Stephen Karcher
If you click through to, you’ll find a series of four posts on the US election. I wanted just to mention them here, as I think they’re intriguing readings and worth a...
View Article77
Here’s a post I should have made yesterday morning, when I cast my usual playing-in-the-sandbox readings for the Wimbledon finalists. Then I could have made a prediction and invited you to do the same,...
View ArticleDreams: rain dance of the soul?
I asked Yi, ‘Why do we dream?’ I had a few reasons for asking: huge curiosity about the answer, of course, and wondering what Yi might say out of all the possible answers I could think of....
View ArticleWhat to do with dreams?
Something I’d like to do this year: learn more about how to work with dreams and Yi, together, as a single fabric of meaning. (Something that’ll be made much more practical by this journal software.)...
View ArticleShadow hexagrams revisited
Four years ago , I posted about my first encounters with shadow hexagrams. And last week I was reminded of them again when a friend asked me to look at his connected-hexagrams-generating script that...
View ArticleExample reading after a dream
Since I wrote about ‘Four ways Yi works with dreams’, I’ve been on the alert for how this conversation’s working for me. Here’s an example from my journal. I’d been divining – and worrying – about how...
View ArticleWhat is resonance?
I imagine anyone who’s lived with Yi for a while has also got used to the idea that the world around them gives them signs, and often these signs resonate strongly with readings. I had a ‘big’ Hexagram...
View ArticleYi debugs a plugin
I’m not sure what kind of geek it takes to appreciate this reading – probably something quite extreme – but I think it’s brilliant and wanted to share. The background: a helpful programmer had fixed up...
View ArticleListening differently (and not posting much)
Background Well… in the first weeks of September I was bubbling over with ideas for blog posts. I’d write two, and ‘schedule’ one to be published later so as not to overdo it. And then I published that...
View ArticleMeeting the Yi lord
Each year on my birthday, I ask Yi for guidance for the coming year. Then over the course of the year I revisit the reading, finding guidance and gleaning understanding as I go. At least, such is the...
View ArticleYi in 19th Century Japan
I’ve been browsing with growing fascination through the Takashima Ekidan. Published in 1893 in Tokyo, this is an English translation by Shigetake Sugiura of an original Yijing translation by Kaemon...
View ArticleNot being special
I love Robert Moss’s books; they’re inspiring, wise and lucid. He mirrors my understanding back to me – that we belong here, that life has meaning and the cosmos actively wants to communicate this to...
View ArticleOne way Yi helps
One of the good things about our little rented home has always been the thick shield of trees that stands between us and the road. Great glossy green laurels, disappearing in late spring under huge...
View ArticleGetting started with my annual reading
What’s an annual reading for? Every year on my birthday, I cast a reading for the coming year. Not as a prediction – imagine the gloom and suspense if you spent a year under the shadow of 24.6! – but...
View ArticleA ‘cello-related reading
I’ve left a longer gap between posts here than I intended, mostly because March has been very full of ’cello-y things. Still, there’s a reading from one of these that cast a new light on Hexagram 31...
View ArticleYi’s kindness
It’s easy to become preoccupied with how beautiful, subtle and complex the Yijing is – there are endless layers and dimensions to discover – but more than anything, I keep coming back to its kindness....
View ArticleTaking a decision with Yi’s help
The background Early this year, I told people that I’d be running a Yijing Foundations Class in May. Not just the course, which is always available in a self-study version, but an online class with...
View ArticleReading structure, and why it matters
As I prepare for the Yijing Foundations Class, I’m realising there are really just two essential elements for dependable readings: being able to connect with imagery, and knowing your way round the...
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