Using trigrams in a reading
Here’s an example reading of mine, showing how trigrams can cast more light on changing lines. The background I was contacted a while ago by someone (I’ll call her S) who wanted to invite me to...
View ArticleStaying connected
Divination means we’re connected. It demonstrates that there’s no such thing as ‘isolation’: the cosmos has 100% uptime. You can toss three coins six times, any time, to experience its absolute...
View ArticleAnother question for the I Ching
It occurs to me that back in an agrarian society, every ordinary activity would have its ritual place in the bigger scheme of things. Ploughing, sowing, harvesting, storing and ripening – these things...
View ArticleHexagram 14, line 6
Hexagram 14, line 6 was part of my reading for the week. It hasn’t been a great week, and I’ve been using my reading not only for its advice, but also as a reminder, a kind of talisman. Waiting for the...
View ArticleI Ching on Tarot
Dodging Invisible Rays » 59 – Dispersing Here’s a post about a remarkable reading. Pauline Kilar resolved to learn a divination system, took up the I Ching, and found it inaccessible. (Not helped by...
View ArticleI Ching for scientists
Ian wrote to ask me: “How can an English-speaking science graduate link to I Ching?” Nice question, thanks! The ‘English-speaking’ part is relatively easy: use a couple of distinctively different, good...
View ArticleOne clasp of the hands
Naturally, lately, I’ve wanted to ask the oracle about my Mum’s prognosis. I’ve done so a couple of times, and on each occasion I’ve received an unchanging hexagram that gave me a very straight,...
View ArticleStripped away
A note to explain my long silence here: my Mum died a couple of weeks ago, after a long and increasingly debilitating illness. I asked Yi, before we came over to visit her in hospital this time, what I...
View ArticleA week of 54.1
As you may know, I consult Yi once a week without a specific question – just to touch base and remagnetise the inner compass. The way these readings help changes from week to week: sometimes I’ll find...
View Articlewith thanks
I consulted with Yi about my ideas for an upcoming sale, and took my answer to the I Ching Community for comments and insights. People gave me a whole lot. Have a look at the thread; you’ll see what I...
View ArticleReading space
When I interviewed _____ (that ‘mystery interviewee’!) for the upcoming audio sale, she said something about the sacred space of a reading that got me thinking. I’ve just added some excerpts from our...
View ArticleMore Hexagram 2
Yi has been giving me hexagram 2 as relating hexagram for three weeks in succession now – ever since I asked what Mum’s ‘power’ was, and received 2 with no changing lines. (Prior to that, I’d asked why...
View ArticleNot grasping your self
This week I received Hexagram 52: ‘Keeping your back still, Not grasping your self. Moving in your rooms, Not seeing your people. Not a mistake.’ And I read in John O’Donohue’s Anam Cara: “There is no...
View ArticleFuture hexagrams
Another question from Nancy: “What have you discovered about the validity of the I Ching’s ‘future’ hexagram anwers? I have read that it gives you a potential answers to the future and is not meant to...
View ArticleFree-flowing answers
Here’s an example from personal experience of how the message of a reading can attune you to the larger flow of what you need. My advice for last week from Yi was Hexagram 59, Dispersing, moving at...
View ArticleHexagram 31 – making space
My reading for last week was Hexagram 31, Influence. And yesterday afternoon, at the final rehearsal before that evening’s concert, the conductor asked the orchestra to ‘make space’ for the solo...
View ArticleYi makes a difference
About a month ago, I turned to Yi in complete frustration. I’d been listening to podcasts from Steve and Erin Pavlina, both talking about how enthusiastically they leapt out of bed in the early...
View ArticleDispersing armies
…or, more on how relating hexagrams work. This post will have to be somewhat vague in places to avoid going into details about the other people involved in the reading. But the gist is that I had a...
View ArticleHow I Ching readings interact
A single I Ching reading brings insight, answers questions, and reconnects you with your inner sense of direction. A series of readings does all this, and it can also multiply the effects...
View ArticleYi says: do your homework!
Someone should make a collection of Yi’s many and various ways of saying, ‘Get a grip.’ My site needs redesigning – so you can find what you’re looking for more easily, so I can add more things for...
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